Let’s Celebrate Cindy and Larry Jones Retirement

On June 22 2024 at Calvary Baptist Church

2241 N Main St, Prineville, OR 97754

Time 2:00PM

Over the last 34 years Larry & Cindy have served in many capacities; Larry at Les Schwab for 28 years, Cindy at Pregnancy Resource Center for 15 years and most impressively they are parents to FIVE PERFECT CHILDREN WHO NEVER GAVE THEM ANY GRIEF.

Cindy has taught children’s and women’s Sunday School classes, taught women’s Bible studies, mentored/discipled many women one-on-one, started and led puppet ministry– discipling her puppeteers along the way, and served on the Praise Team singing, and playing the piano.

Larry has served as the church treasurer for 34 years. He has also taught children’s Sunday School, managed the sound booth, sang on the Praise Team, built props and stages for the puppet ministry, as well as helping with church maintenance.

Larry & Cindy have been willing to step up to serve in any capacity where they see a need and are able to fill it. They live and act on their faith on a daily basis.

Please RSVP if you would like to celebrate two very deserving community servants in their third and FINAL retirement!